St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Christian Education
St. Andrew’s Church believes that Christian Education is a life-long journey or process. It begins at our baptism and continues throughout our lives, nourished within the community of faith that is the Church.
Christian Education involves the whole of our lives and our experiences. It is more than Sunday School or worship services or studying the Bible. As Christians, we acknowledge that God is among us, and that the Christian experience is about recognizing God’s presence in the daily patterns of our lives.
St. Andrew’s seeks to provide opportunities that help all people grow in their knowledge and acceptance of God’s love, and in God’s desire to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
The Church Nursery
The nursery is available from 9:15 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. for infant through five years old. The nursery is located on the first floor of the Education wing.
Children and Youth Sunday School
Classes are from 9:15a.m. – 10:15 a.m. on the second floor of the Education wing. Age-appropriate curriculum is provided for children aged three years through eighth grade.
Narnia Library
Located upstairs in the educational wing, this library has a collection of books appealing to younger readers as well as books for reading aloud.
Communion Classes
The Episcopal Church teaches that baptism is full initiation into the Christian community. This means that all baptized persons, regardless of denomination or age, may participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion. But for many the question is when should children begin receiving Holy Communion? At St. Andrew's we believe only the parent(s) can answer that question.
Communion classes, while not required, can nevertheless be helpful to children. At some point in a child’s Christian development, he or she needs to understand and affirm what they are already doing, or be prepared for receiving the sacrament. St. Andrew’s offers communion classes on an as-needed basis to children in the first grade and higher.
Sunday Adult Forum
A variety of lessons spanning from topics of the day, religious book study, an in depth study of Book of Common Prayer, or other points of interest, this group meets in-between services at 9:15am.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
The EYC meets 2 Sundays a month in the evening during the school year for a snacks, thought-provoking discussion, fellowship and activities. The youth also participate in activities such as camp at St. Crispin’s. EYC is open to all students in grades 6 through 12.
Bible Study
Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm to read and discuss the following Sunday’s scripture lessons.
Education for Ministry (EFM)
EFM is a four-year course of study offered by extension from the Seminary of the South through Saint Andrew’s. Students study in successsion Old Testament, New Testament, church history and philosophy and theology. Class format provides time for discussion of lesson content and theological reflection on the meaning of Scripture for the world and culture we live in. Classes meet on Monday nights during the school year.